

1. Spain, Menorca hotels 3-4*
- kitchen porter
- housekeeping
Dates: from April/May till September/October
Requirements: 18-25 y.o.,good English.,NIE before arrival
Pocket money: 500 Eur/month.
Working hours: 40 hrs/week.
Free meal and accommodation
from asap till September/October.
Nie before arrival
2. Spain, Menorca hotel 4*
Positions: - 2 waiters/ess.
Dates: asap till September/October
Requirements: 18-30 y.o., good English, French, German will be advance.
Pocket money: 400 Eur/month.
Working hours: 40 hrs/week.
Free meal and accommodation.

Not need NIE before arrival.
Menorca Darbas Ispanijoje - Menorca